BCI NET Dec 94.iso
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1,528 lines
IMPORT Exec, Utility, Intuition, SYSTEM, ASL, Graphics;
LibName* = "muimaster.library";
Version* = 4;
Object * = Intuition.ObjectPtr;
** ARexx Interface
Command * = STRUCT
name * : Exec.STRPTR;
template * : Exec.STRPTR;
parameters * : LONGINT;
hook * : Utility.HookPtr;
reserved * : ARRAY 5 OF LONGINT;
** Return values for MUI_Error()
eOK * = 0;
eOutOfMemory * = 1;
eOutOfGfxMemory * = 2;
eInvalidWindowObject * = 3;
eMissingLibrary * = 4;
eNoARexx * = 5;
eSingleTask * = 6;
** Standard MUI Images
iWindowBack * = 0;
iRequesterBack * = 1;
iButtonBack * = 2;
iListBack * = 3;
iTextBack * = 4;
iPropBack * = 5;
iActiveBack * = 6;
iSelectedBack * = 7;
iListCursor * = 8;
iListSelect * = 9;
iListSelCur * = 10;
iArrowUp * = 11;
iArrowDown * = 12;
iArrowLeft * = 13;
iArrowRight * = 14;
iCheckMark * = 15;
iRadioButton * = 16;
iCycle * = 17;
iPopUp * = 18;
iPopFile * = 19;
iPopDrawer * = 20;
iPropKnob * = 21;
iDrawer * = 22;
iHardDisk * = 23;
iDisk * = 24;
iChip * = 25;
iVolume * = 26;
iPopUpBack * = 27;
iNetwork * = 28;
iAssign * = 29;
iTapePlay * = 30;
iTapePlayBack * = 31;
iTapePause * = 32;
iTapeStop * = 33;
iTapeRecord * = 34;
iGroupBack * = 35;
iSliderBack * = 36;
iSliderKnob * = 37;
iTapeUp * = 38;
iTapeDown * = 39;
iCount * = 40;
iBACKGROUND * = 128 (* These are direct color *);
iSHADOW * = 129 (* combinations and are not *);
iSHINE * = 130 (* affected by users prefs. *);
iFILL * = 131;
iSHADOWBACK * = 132 (* Generally, you should *);
iSHADOWFILL * = 133 (* avoid using them. Better *);
iSHADOWSHINE * = 134 (* use one of the customized *);
iFILLBACK * = 135 (* images above. *);
iFILLSHINE * = 136;
iSHINEBACK * = 137;
iFILLBACK2 * = 138;
iHSHINEBACK * = 139;
iN1HSHINE * = 143;
iLASTPAT * = 143;
** Special values for some methods
vTriggerValue *= 49893131H;
vEveryTime *= 49893131H;
vApplicationSaveENV * = 0;
vApplicationSaveENVARC * = -1;
vApplicationLoadENV * = 0;
vApplicationLoadENVARC * = -1;
vApplicationReturnIDQuit * = -1;
vListInsertTop * = 0;
vListInsertActive * = -1;
vListInsertSorted * = -2;
vListInsertBottom * = -3;
vListRemoveFirst * = 0;
vListRemoveActive * = -1;
vListRemoveLast * = -2;
vListSelectOff * = 0;
vListSelectOn * = 1;
vListSelectToggle * = 2;
vListSelectAsk * = 3;
vListJumpActive * = -1;
vListGetEntryActive * = -1;
vListSelectActive * = -1;
vListRedrawActive * = -1;
vListRedrawAll * = -2;
vListExchangeActive * = -1;
(** Notify.mui 7.13 (01.12.93) **)
cNotify * = "Notify.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mCallHook * = 8042B96BH;
CONST mMultiSet * = 8042D356H;
CONST mNotify * = 8042C9CBH;
CONST mSet * = 8042549AH;
CONST mSetAsString * = 80422590H;
CONST mWriteLong * = 80428D86H;
CONST mWriteString * = 80424BF4H;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aAppMessage * = 80421955H; (* ..g struct AppMessage * *)
CONST aHelpFile * = 80423A6EH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aHelpLine * = 8042A825H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aHelpNode * = 80420B85H; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aNoNotify * = 804237F9H; (* .s. BOOL *)
CONST aRevision * = 80427EAAH; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aUserData * = 80420313H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aVersion * = 80422301H; (* ..g LONG *)
(** Application.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cApplication * = "Application.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mApplicationGetMenuCheck * = 8042C0A7H;
CONST mApplicationGetMenuState * = 8042A58FH;
CONST mApplicationInput * = 8042D0F5H;
CONST mApplicationInputBuffered * = 80427E59H;
CONST mApplicationLoad * = 8042F90DH;
CONST mApplicationPushMethod * = 80429EF8H;
CONST mApplicationReturnID * = 804276EFH;
CONST mApplicationSave * = 804227EFH;
CONST mApplicationSetMenuCheck * = 8042A707H;
CONST mApplicationSetMenuState * = 80428BEFH;
CONST mApplicationShowHelp * = 80426479H;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aApplicationActive * = 804260ABH; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aApplicationAuthor * = 80424842H; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationBase * = 8042E07AH; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationBroker * = 8042DBCEH; (* ..g Broker * *)
CONST aApplicationBrokerHook * = 80428F4BH; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aApplicationBrokerPort * = 8042E0ADH; (* ..g struct MsgPort * *)
CONST aApplicationBrokerPri * = 8042C8D0H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aApplicationCommands * = 80428648H; (* isg struct MUI_Command * *)
CONST aApplicationCopyright * = 8042EF4DH; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationDescription * = 80421FC6H; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationDiskObject * = 804235CBH; (* isg struct DiskObject * *)
CONST aApplicationDoubleStart * = 80423BC6H; (* ..g BOOL *)
CONST aApplicationDropObject * = 80421266H; (* is. Object * *)
CONST aApplicationIconified * = 8042A07FH; (* .sg BOOL *)
CONST aApplicationMenu * = 80420E1FH; (* i.g struct NewMenu * *)
CONST aApplicationMenuAction * = 80428961H; (* ..g ULONG *)
CONST aApplicationMenuHelp * = 8042540BH; (* ..g ULONG *)
CONST aApplicationRexxMsg * = 8042FD88H; (* ..g struct RxMsg * *)
CONST aApplicationRexxString * = 8042D711H; (* .s. STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationSingleTask * = 8042A2C8H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aApplicationSleep * = 80425711H; (* .s. BOOL *)
CONST aApplicationTitle * = 804281B8H; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationVersion * = 8042B33FH; (* i.g STRPTR *)
CONST aApplicationWindow * = 8042BFE0H; (* i.. Object * *)
(** Window.mui 7.16 (03.12.93) **)
cWindow * = "Window.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mWindowGetMenuCheck * = 80420414H;
CONST mWindowGetMenuState * = 80420D2FH;
CONST mWindowScreenToBack * = 8042913DH;
CONST mWindowScreenToFront * = 804227A4H;
CONST mWindowSetCycleChain * = 80426510H;
CONST mWindowSetMenuCheck * = 80422243H;
CONST mWindowSetMenuState * = 80422B5EH;
CONST mWindowToBack * = 8042152EH;
CONST mWindowToFront * = 8042554FH;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aWindowActivate * = 80428D2FH; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aWindowActiveObject * = 80427925H; (* .sg Object * *)
CONST aWindowAltHeight * = 8042CCE3H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowAltLeftEdge * = 80422D65H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowAltTopEdge * = 8042E99BH; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowAltWidth * = 804260F4H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowAppWindow * = 804280CFH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowBackdrop * = 8042C0BBH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowBorderless * = 80429B79H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowCloseGadget * = 8042A110H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowCloseRequest * = 8042E86EH; (* ..g BOOL *)
CONST aWindowDefaultObject * = 804294D7H; (* isg Object * *)
CONST aWindowDepthGadget * = 80421923H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowDragBar * = 8042045DH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowHeight * = 80425846H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowID * = 804201BDH; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aWindowInputEvent * = 804247D8H; (* ..g struct InputEvent * *)
CONST aWindowLeftEdge * = 80426C65H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowMenu * = 8042DB94H; (* i.. struct NewMenu * *)
CONST aWindowNoMenus * = 80429DF5H; (* .s. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowOpen * = 80428AA0H; (* .sg BOOL *)
CONST aWindowPublicScreen * = 804278E4H; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aWindowRefWindow * = 804201F4H; (* is. Object * *)
CONST aWindowRootObject * = 8042CBA5H; (* i.. Object * *)
CONST aWindowScreen * = 8042DF4FH; (* isg struct Screen * *)
CONST aWindowScreenTitle * = 804234B0H; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aWindowSizeGadget * = 8042E33DH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowSizeRight * = 80424780H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aWindowSleep * = 8042E7DBH; (* .sg BOOL *)
CONST aWindowTitle * = 8042AD3DH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aWindowTopEdge * = 80427C66H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowWidth * = 8042DCAEH; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aWindowWindow * = 80426A42H; (* ..g struct Window * *)
CONST vWindowActiveObjectNone * = 0;
CONST vWindowActiveObjectNext * = -1;
CONST vWindowActiveObjectPrev * = -2;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltHeightMinMax * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (0-(p)) END vWindowAltHeightMinMax;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltHeightVisible * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-100-(p)) END vWindowAltHeightVisible;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltHeightScreen * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-200-(p)) END vWindowAltHeightScreen;
CONST vWindowAltHeightScaled * = -1000;
CONST vWindowAltLeftEdgeCentered * = -1;
CONST vWindowAltLeftEdgeMoused * = -2;
CONST vWindowAltLeftEdgeNoChange * = -1000;
CONST vWindowAltTopEdgeCentered * = -1;
CONST vWindowAltTopEdgeMoused * = -2;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltTopEdgeDelta * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-3-(p)) END vWindowAltTopEdgeDelta;
CONST vWindowAltTopEdgeNoChange * = -1000;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltWidthMinMax * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (0-(p)) END vWindowAltWidthMinMax;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltWidthVisible * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-100-(p)) END vWindowAltWidthVisible;
PROCEDURE vWindowAltWidthScreen * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-200-(p)) END vWindowAltWidthScreen;
CONST vWindowAltWidthScaled * = -1000;
PROCEDURE vWindowHeightMinMax * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (0-(p)) END vWindowHeightMinMax;
PROCEDURE vWindowHeightVisible * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-100-(p)) END vWindowHeightVisible;
PROCEDURE vWindowHeightScreen * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-200-(p)) END vWindowHeightScreen;
CONST vWindowHeightScaled * = -1000;
CONST vWindowHeightDefault * = -1001;
CONST vWindowLeftEdgeCentered * = -1;
CONST vWindowLeftEdgeMoused * = -2;
CONST vWindowMenuNoMenu * = -1;
CONST vWindowTopEdgeCentered * = -1;
CONST vWindowTopEdgeMoused * = -2;
PROCEDURE vWindowTopEdgeDelta * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-3-(p)) END vWindowTopEdgeDelta;
PROCEDURE vWindowWidthMinMax * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (0-(p)) END vWindowWidthMinMax;
PROCEDURE vWindowWidthVisible * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-100-(p)) END vWindowWidthVisible;
PROCEDURE vWindowWidthScreen * (p:LONGINT): LONGINT; BEGIN RETURN (-200-(p)) END vWindowWidthScreen;
CONST vWindowWidthScaled * = -1000;
CONST vWindowWidthDefault * = -1001;
(** Area.mui 7.15 (28.11.93) **)
cArea * = "Area.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mAskMinMax * = 80423874H;
CONST mCleanup * = 8042D985H;
CONST mDraw * = 80426F3FH;
CONST mHandleInput * = 80422A1AH;
CONST mHide * = 8042F20FH;
CONST mSetup * = 80428354H;
CONST mShow * = 8042CC84H;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aApplicationObject * = 8042D3EEH; (* ..g Object * *)
CONST aBackground * = 8042545BH; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aBottomEdge * = 8042E552H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aControlChar * = 8042120BH; (* i.. char *)
CONST aDisabled * = 80423661H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aExportID * = 8042D76EH; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aFixHeight * = 8042A92BH; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aFixHeightTxt * = 804276F2H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aFixWidth * = 8042A3F1H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aFixWidthTxt * = 8042D044H; (* i.. STRPTR *)
CONST aFont * = 8042BE50H; (* i.g struct TextFont * *)
CONST aFrame * = 8042AC64H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aFramePhantomHoriz * = 8042ED76H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aFrameTitle * = 8042D1C7H; (* i.. STRPTR *)
CONST aHeight * = 80423237H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aHorizWeight * = 80426DB9H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aInnerBottom * = 8042F2C0H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aInnerLeft * = 804228F8H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aInnerRight * = 804297FFH; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aInnerTop * = 80421EB6H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aInputMode * = 8042FB04H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aLeftEdge * = 8042BEC6H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aPressed * = 80423535H; (* ..g BOOL *)
CONST aRightEdge * = 8042BA82H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aSelected * = 8042654BH; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aShowMe * = 80429BA8H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aShowSelState * = 8042CAACH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aTimer * = 80426435H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aTopEdge * = 8042509BH; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aVertWeight * = 804298D0H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aWeight * = 80421D1FH; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aWidth * = 8042B59CH; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aWindow * = 80421591H; (* ..g struct Window * *)
CONST aWindowObject * = 8042669EH; (* ..g Object * *)
CONST vFontInherit * = 0;
CONST vFontNormal * = -1;
CONST vFontList * = -2;
CONST vFontTiny * = -3;
CONST vFontFixed * = -4;
CONST vFontTitle * = -5;
CONST vFrameNone * = 0;
CONST vFrameButton * = 1;
CONST vFrameImageButton * = 2;
CONST vFrameText * = 3;
CONST vFrameString * = 4;
CONST vFrameReadList * = 5;
CONST vFrameInputList * = 6;
CONST vFrameProp * = 7;
CONST vFrameGauge * = 8;
CONST vFrameGroup * = 9;
CONST vFramePopUp * = 10;
CONST vFrameVirtual * = 11;
CONST vFrameSlider * = 12;
CONST vFrameCount * = 13;
CONST vInputModeNone * = 0;
CONST vInputModeRelVerify * = 1;
CONST vInputModeImmediate * = 2;
CONST vInputModeToggle * = 3;
(** Rectangle.mui 7.14 (28.11.93) **)
cRectangle * = "Rectangle.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aRectangleHBar * = 8042C943H; (* i.g BOOL *)
CONST aRectangleVBar * = 80422204H; (* i.g BOOL *)
(** Image.mui 7.13 (28.11.93) **)
cImage * = "Image.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aImageFontMatch * = 8042815DH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aImageFontMatchHeight * = 80429F26H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aImageFontMatchWidth * = 804239BFH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aImageFreeHoriz * = 8042DA84H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aImageFreeVert * = 8042EA28H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aImageOldImage * = 80424F3DH; (* i.. struct Image * *)
CONST aImageSpec * = 804233D5H; (* i.. char * *)
CONST aImageState * = 8042A3ADH; (* is. LONG *)
(** Text.mui 7.15 (28.11.93) **)
cText * = "Text.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aTextContents * = 8042F8DCH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aTextHiChar * = 804218FFH; (* i.. char *)
CONST aTextPreParse * = 8042566DH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aTextSetMax * = 80424D0AH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aTextSetMin * = 80424E10H; (* i.. BOOL *)
(** String.mui 7.13 (28.11.93) **)
cString * = "String.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aStringAccept * = 8042E3E1H; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aStringAcknowledge * = 8042026CH; (* ..g STRPTR *)
CONST aStringAttachedList * = 80420FD2H; (* i.. Object * *)
CONST aStringBufferPos * = 80428B6CH; (* .sg LONG *)
CONST aStringContents * = 80428FFDH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aStringDisplayPos * = 8042CCBFH; (* .sg LONG *)
CONST aStringFormat * = 80427484H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aStringInteger * = 80426E8AH; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aStringMaxLen * = 80424984H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aStringReject * = 8042179CH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aStringSecret * = 80428769H; (* i.g BOOL *)
CONST vStringFormatLeft * = 0;
CONST vStringFormatCenter * = 1;
CONST vStringFormatRight * = 2;
(** Prop.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cProp * = "Prop.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aPropEntries * = 8042FBDBH; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aPropFirst * = 8042D4B2H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aPropHoriz * = 8042F4F3H; (* i.g BOOL *)
CONST aPropSlider * = 80429C3AH; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aPropVisible * = 8042FEA6H; (* isg LONG *)
(** Gauge.mui 7.35 (26.01.94) **)
cGauge * = "Gauge.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aGaugeCurrent * = 8042F0DDH; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aGaugeDivide * = 8042D8DFH; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aGaugeHoriz * = 804232DDH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aGaugeInfoText * = 8042BF15H; (* isg char * *)
CONST aGaugeMax * = 8042BCDBH; (* isg LONG *)
(** Scale.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cScale * = "Scale.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aScaleHoriz * = 8042919AH; (* isg BOOL *)
(** Boopsi.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cBoopsi * = "Boopsi.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aBoopsiClass * = 80426999H; (* isg struct IClass * *)
CONST aBoopsiClassID * = 8042BFA3H; (* isg char * *)
CONST aBoopsiMaxHeight * = 8042757FH; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiMaxWidth * = 8042BCB1H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiMinHeight * = 80422C93H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiMinWidth * = 80428FB2H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiObject * = 80420178H; (* ..g Object * *)
CONST aBoopsiRemember * = 8042F4BDH; (* i.. ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiTagDrawInfo * = 8042BAE7H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiTagScreen * = 8042BC71H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aBoopsiTagWindow * = 8042E11DH; (* isg ULONG *)
(** Colorfield.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cColorfield * = "Colorfield.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aColorfieldBlue * = 8042D3B0H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColorfieldGreen * = 80424466H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColorfieldPen * = 8042713AH; (* ..g ULONG *)
CONST aColorfieldRed * = 804279F6H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColorfieldRGB * = 8042677AH; (* isg ULONG * *)
(** List.mui 7.22 (28.11.93) **)
cList * = "List.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mListClear * = 8042AD89H;
CONST mListExchange * = 8042468CH;
CONST mListGetEntry * = 804280ECH;
CONST mListInsert * = 80426C87H;
CONST mListInsertSingle * = 804254D5H;
CONST mListJump * = 8042BAABH;
CONST mListNextSelected * = 80425F17H;
CONST mListRedraw * = 80427993H;
CONST mListRemove * = 8042647EH;
CONST mListSelect * = 804252D8H;
CONST mListSort * = 80422275H;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aListActive * = 8042391CH; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aListAdjustHeight * = 8042850DH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aListAdjustWidth * = 8042354AH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aListCompareHook * = 80425C14H; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aListConstructHook * = 8042894FH; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aListDestructHook * = 804297CEH; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aListDisplayHook * = 8042B4D5H; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aListEntries * = 80421654H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aListFirst * = 804238D4H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aListFormat * = 80423C0AH; (* isg STRPTR *)
CONST aListMultiTestHook * = 8042C2C6H; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aListQuiet * = 8042D8C7H; (* .s. BOOL *)
CONST aListSourceArray * = 8042C0A0H; (* i.. APTR *)
CONST aListTitle * = 80423E66H; (* isg char * *)
CONST aListVisible * = 8042191FH; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST vListActiveOff * = -1;
CONST vListActiveTop * = -2;
CONST vListActiveBottom * = -3;
CONST vListActiveUp * = -4;
CONST vListActiveDown * = -5;
CONST vListActivePageUp * = -6;
CONST vListActivePageDown * = -7;
CONST vListConstructHookString * = -1;
CONST vListDestructHookString * = -1;
(** Floattext.mui 7.32 (26.01.94) **)
cFloattext * = "Floattext.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aFloattextJustify * = 8042DC03H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aFloattextSkipChars * = 80425C7DH; (* is. STRPTR *)
CONST aFloattextTabSize * = 80427D17H; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aFloattextText * = 8042D16AH; (* isg STRPTR *)
(** Volumelist.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cVolumelist * = "Volumelist.mui";
(** Scrmodelist.mui 7.34 (26.01.94) **)
cScrmodelist * = "Scrmodelist.mui";
(* Attributes *)
(** Dirlist.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cDirlist * = "Dirlist.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mDirlistReRead * = 80422D71H;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aDirlistAcceptPattern * = 8042760AH; (* is. STRPTR *)
CONST aDirlistDirectory * = 8042EA41H; (* is. STRPTR *)
CONST aDirlistDrawersOnly * = 8042B379H; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistFilesOnly * = 8042896AH; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistFilterDrawers * = 80424AD2H; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistFilterHook * = 8042AE19H; (* is. struct Hook * *)
CONST aDirlistMultiSelDirs * = 80428653H; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistNumBytes * = 80429E26H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aDirlistNumDrawers * = 80429CB8H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aDirlistNumFiles * = 8042A6F0H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aDirlistPath * = 80426176H; (* ..g STRPTR *)
CONST aDirlistRejectIcons * = 80424808H; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistRejectPattern * = 804259C7H; (* is. STRPTR *)
CONST aDirlistSortDirs * = 8042BBB9H; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aDirlistSortHighLow * = 80421896H; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aDirlistSortType * = 804228BCH; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aDirlistStatus * = 804240DEH; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST vDirlistSortDirsFirst * = 0;
CONST vDirlistSortDirsLast * = 1;
CONST vDirlistSortDirsMix * = 2;
CONST vDirlistSortTypeName * = 0;
CONST vDirlistSortTypeDate * = 1;
CONST vDirlistSortTypeSize * = 2;
CONST vDirlistStatusInvalid * = 0;
CONST vDirlistStatusReading * = 1;
CONST vDirlistStatusValid * = 2;
(** Group.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cGroup * = "Group.mui";
(* Methods *)
(* Attributes *)
CONST aGroupActivePage * = 80424199H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aGroupChild * = 804226E6H; (* i.. Object * *)
CONST aGroupColumns * = 8042F416H; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aGroupHoriz * = 8042536BH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aGroupHorizSpacing * = 8042C651H; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aGroupPageMode * = 80421A5FH; (* is. BOOL *)
CONST aGroupRows * = 8042B68FH; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aGroupSameHeight * = 8042037EH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aGroupSameSize * = 80420860H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aGroupSameWidth * = 8042B3ECH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aGroupSpacing * = 8042866DH; (* is. LONG *)
CONST aGroupVertSpacing * = 8042E1BFH; (* is. LONG *)
(** Virtgroup.mui 7.31 (26.01.94) **)
cVirtgroup * = "Virtgroup.mui";
(* Methods *)
(* Attributes *)
CONST aVirtgroupHeight * = 80423038H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aVirtgroupLeft * = 80429371H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aVirtgroupTop * = 80425200H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aVirtgroupWidth * = 80427C49H; (* ..g LONG *)
(** Scrollgroup.mui 7.29 (26.01.94) **)
cScrollgroup * = "Scrollgroup.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aScrollgroupContents * = 80421261H; (* i.. Object * *)
(** Scrollbar.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cScrollbar * = "Scrollbar.mui";
(** Listview.mui 7.13 (28.11.93) **)
cListview * = "Listview.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aListviewClickColumn * = 8042D1B3H; (* ..g LONG *)
CONST aListviewDefClickColumn * = 8042B296H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aListviewDoubleClick * = 80424635H; (* i.g BOOL *)
CONST aListviewInput * = 8042682DH; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aListviewList * = 8042BCCEH; (* i.. Object * *)
CONST aListviewMultiSelect * = 80427E08H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aListviewSelectChange * = 8042178FH; (* ..g BOOL *)
CONST vListviewMultiSelectNone * = 0;
CONST vListviewMultiSelectDefault * = 1;
CONST vListviewMultiSelectShifted * = 2;
CONST vListviewMultiSelectAlways * = 3;
(** Radio.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cRadio * = "Radio.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aRadioActive * = 80429B41H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aRadioEntries * = 8042B6A1H; (* i.. STRPTR * *)
(** Cycle.mui 7.16 (28.11.93) **)
cCycle * = "Cycle.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aCycleActive * = 80421788H; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aCycleEntries * = 80420629H; (* i.. STRPTR * *)
CONST vCycleActiveNext * = -1;
CONST vCycleActivePrev * = -2;
(** Slider.mui 7.12 (28.11.93) **)
cSlider * = "Slider.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aSliderLevel * = 8042AE3AH; (* isg LONG *)
CONST aSliderMax * = 8042D78AH; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aSliderMin * = 8042E404H; (* i.. LONG *)
CONST aSliderQuiet * = 80420B26H; (* i.. BOOL *)
CONST aSliderReverse * = 8042F2A0H; (* isg BOOL *)
(** Coloradjust.mui 7.34 (26.01.94) **)
cColoradjust * = "Coloradjust.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aColoradjustBlue * = 8042B8A3H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColoradjustGreen * = 804285ABH; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColoradjustModeID * = 8042EC59H; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColoradjustRed * = 80420EAAH; (* isg ULONG *)
CONST aColoradjustRGB * = 8042F899H; (* isg ULONG * *)
(** Palette.mui 7.30 (26.01.94) **)
cPalette * = "Palette.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aPaletteEntries * = 8042A3D8H; (* i.g struct MUI_Palette_Entry * *)
CONST aPaletteGroupable * = 80423E67H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aPaletteNames * = 8042C3A2H; (* isg char ** *)
(** Stdpalette.mui 7.32 (26.01.94) **)
cStdpalette * = "Stdpalette.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aStdpaletteActive * = 8042BBF0H; (* isg ULONG * *)
CONST aStdpaletteCount * = 8042D7F8H; (* i.g LONG *)
CONST aStdpaletteRGB * = 804214A5H; (* i.g ULONG * *)
(** Popstring.mui 7.19 (02.12.93) **)
cPopstring * = "Popstring.mui";
(* Methods *)
CONST mPopstringClose * = 8042DC52H;
CONST mPopstringOpen * = 804258BAH;
(* Attributes *)
CONST aPopstringButton * = 8042D0B9H; (* i.g Object * *)
CONST aPopstringCloseHook * = 804256BFH; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopstringOpenHook * = 80429D00H; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopstringString * = 804239EAH; (* i.g Object * *)
CONST aPopstringToggle * = 80422B7AH; (* isg BOOL *)
(** Popobject.mui 7.18 (02.12.93) **)
cPopobject * = "Popobject.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aPopobjectFollow * = 80424CB5H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aPopobjectLight * = 8042A5A3H; (* isg BOOL *)
CONST aPopobjectObject * = 804293E3H; (* i.g Object * *)
CONST aPopobjectObjStrHook * = 8042DB44H; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopobjectStrObjHook * = 8042FBE1H; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopobjectVolatile * = 804252ECH; (* isg BOOL *)
(** Popasl.mui 7.5 (03.12.93) **)
cPopasl * = "Popasl.mui";
(* Attributes *)
CONST aPopaslActive * = 80421B37H; (* ..g BOOL *)
CONST aPopaslStartHook * = 8042B703H; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopaslStopHook * = 8042D8D2H; (* isg struct Hook * *)
CONST aPopaslType * = 8042DF3DH; (* i.g ULONG *)
** Parameter structures for some classes
PaletteEntryPtr * = POINTER TO PaletteEntry;
RenderInfoPtr * = POINTER TO RenderInfo;
ScrmodelistEntryPtr * = POINTER TO ScrmodelistEntry;
NotifyDataPtr * = POINTER TO NotifyData;
MinMaxPtr * = POINTER TO MinMax;
AreaDataPtr * = POINTER TO AreaData;
GlobalInfoPtr * = POINTER TO GlobalInfo;
PaletteEntry * = STRUCT;
id * : LONGINT;
red * : LONGINT;
green * : LONGINT;
blue * : LONGINT;
group * : LONGINT;;
CONST vPaletteEntryEnd = -1;
ScrmodelistEntry * = STRUCT;
name * : Exec.STRPTR;
modeID * : LONGINT;
** Structures and Macros for creating custom classes.
** - Everything described in this header file is only valid within
** MUI classes. You may never use any of these things out of
** a class, e.g. in a traditional MUI application.
** - Except when otherwise stated, all structures are strictly read only.
(* Instance data of notify class *)
NotifyData * = STRUCT
globalInfo * : GlobalInfoPtr;
userData * : LONGINT;
priv0 * : LONGINT;
priv1 * : LONGINT;
priv2 * : LONGINT;
priv3 * : LONGINT;
priv4 * : LONGINT;
(* MUI_MinMax structure holds information about minimum, maximum
and default dimensions of an object. *)
MinMax * = STRUCT
minWidth * : INTEGER;
minHeight * : INTEGER;
maxWidth * : INTEGER;
maxHeight * : INTEGER;
defWidth * : INTEGER;
defHeight * : INTEGER;
CONST maxmax * = 10000; (* use this if a dimension is not limited. *)
(* (partial) instance data of area class *)
AreaData * = STRUCT
renderInfo * : RenderInfoPtr; (* RenderInfo for this object *)
priv0 : Exec.APTR; (* !!! private data !!! *)
font * : Graphics.TextFontPtr; (* Font *)
minMax * : MinMax; (* min/max/default sizes *)
box * : Intuition.IBox; (* position and dimension *)
addleft * : SHORTINT; (* frame & innerspacing left offset *)
addtop * : SHORTINT; (* frame & innerspacing top offset *)
subwidth * : SHORTINT; (* frame & innerspacing add. width *)
subheight * : SHORTINT; (* frame & innerspacing add. height *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* see definitions below *)
(* ... private data follows ... *)
(* Definitions for AreaData.flags *)
adfDrawobject * = 0; (* completely redraw yourself *)
adfDrawupdate * = 1; (* only update yourself *)
(* Global information about parent application. *)
GlobalInfo * = STRUCT;
priv0 : Exec.APTR; (* !!! private data !!! *)
applicationObject * : Object;
(* ... private data follows ... *)
(* MUI's draw pens *)
penShine *= 0;
penHalfshine *= 1;
penBackground *= 2;
penHalfshadow *= 3;
penShadow *= 4;
penText *= 5;
penFill *= 6;
penCount *= 7;
(* Information on display environment *)
RenderInfo * = STRUCT;
windowObject * : Object; (* valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup *)
screen * : Intuition.ScreenPtr; (* valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup *)
drawInfo * : Intuition.DrawInfoPtr; (* valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup *)
pens * : PenPtr; (* valid between MUIM_Setup/MUIM_Cleanup *)
window * : Intuition.WindowPtr; (* valid between MUIM_Show/MUIM_Hide *)
rastPort * : Graphics.RastPortPtr; (* valid between MUIM_Show/MUIM_Hide *)
(* ... private data follows ...*)
(* the following macros can be used to get pointers to an objects
GlobalInfo and RenderInfo structures. *)
mnd : NotifyData;
mad : AreaData;
PROCEDURE GetNotifyData*( obj : Object ):NotifyDataPtr;
VAR d : dummyXFC2;
d:= SYSTEM.VAL( dummyXFC2, obj );
RETURN SYSTEM.VAL( NotifyDataPtr,SYSTEM.ADR( d.mnd ) );
END GetNotifyData;
PROCEDURE GetAreaData*( obj : Object ):AreaDataPtr;
VAR d : dummyXFC2;
d:= SYSTEM.VAL( dummyXFC2, obj );
END GetAreaData;
PROCEDURE GetGlobalInfo*( obj : Object ):GlobalInfoPtr;
RETURN SYSTEM.VAL( dummyXFC2, obj ).mnd.globalInfo;
END GetGlobalInfo;
PROCEDURE GetRenderInfo*( obj : Object ):RenderInfoPtr;
RETURN SYSTEM.VAL( dummyXFC2, obj ).mad.renderInfo;
END GetRenderInfo;
(* User configurable keyboard events coming with MUIM_HandleInput *)
(* User configurable keyboard events coming with MUIM_HandleInput *)
keyRelease *= -2; (* not a real key, faked when wenn keyPress is released *)
keyNone *= -1;
keyPress *= 0;
keyToggle *= 1;
keyUp *= 2;
keyDown *= 3;
keyPageUp *= 4;
keyPageDown *= 5;
keyTop *= 6;
keyBottom *= 7;
keyLeft *= 8;
keyRight *= 9;
keyWordLeft *= 10;
keyWordRight *= 11;
keyLineStart *= 12;
keyLineEnd *= 13;
keyGadgetNext *= 14;
keyGadgetPrev *= 15;
keyGadgetOff *= 16;
keyWindowClose *= 17;
keyWindowNext *= 18;
keyWindowPrev *= 19;
keyHelp *= 20;
(* Some useful shortcuts. define MUI_NOSHORTCUTS to get rid of them *)
PROCEDURE app*( obj : Object ):Object;
BEGIN RETURN GetGlobalInfo( obj ).applicationObject END app;
PROCEDURE win*( obj : Object ):Object;
BEGIN RETURN GetRenderInfo( obj ).windowObject END win;
PROCEDURE dri*( obj : Object ):Intuition.DrawInfoPtr;
BEGIN RETURN GetRenderInfo( obj ).drawInfo END dri;
PROCEDURE window*( obj : Object ):Intuition.WindowPtr;
BEGIN RETURN GetRenderInfo( obj ).window END window;
PROCEDURE screen*( obj : Object ):Intuition.ScreenPtr;
BEGIN RETURN GetRenderInfo( obj ).screen END screen;
PROCEDURE rp*( obj : Object ):Graphics.RastPortPtr;
BEGIN RETURN GetRenderInfo( obj ).rastPort END rp;
PROCEDURE left*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData( obj ).box.left END left;
PROCEDURE top*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData( obj ).box.top END top;
PROCEDURE width*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData( obj ).box.width END width;
PROCEDURE height*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData( obj ).box.height END height;
PROCEDURE right*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN left(obj)+width(obj)-1 END right;
PROCEDURE bottom*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN top(obj)+height(obj)-1 END bottom;
PROCEDURE addleft*( obj : Object ):SHORTINT;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).addleft END addleft;
PROCEDURE addtop*( obj : Object ):SHORTINT;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).addtop END addtop;
PROCEDURE subwidth*( obj : Object ):SHORTINT;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).subwidth END subwidth;
PROCEDURE subheight*( obj : Object ):SHORTINT;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).subheight END subheight;
PROCEDURE mleft*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( left(obj)+addleft(obj) ) END mleft;
PROCEDURE mtop*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( top(obj)+addtop(obj) ) END mtop;
PROCEDURE mwidth*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( width(obj)-subwidth(obj) ) END mwidth;
PROCEDURE mheight*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( height(obj)-subheight(obj) ) END mheight;
PROCEDURE mright*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( mleft(obj)+mwidth(obj)-1 ) END mright;
PROCEDURE mbottom*( obj : Object ):INTEGER;
BEGIN RETURN ( mtop(obj)+mheight(obj)-1 ) END mbottom;
PROCEDURE font*( obj : Object ):Graphics.TextFontPtr;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).font END font;
PROCEDURE flags*( obj : Object ):LONGSET;
BEGIN RETURN GetAreaData(obj).flags END flags;
** For Boopsi Image Implementors Only:
** If MUI is using a boopsi image object, it will send a special method
** immediately after object creation. This method has a parameter structure
** where the boopsi can fill in its minimum and maximum size and learn if
** its used in a horizontal or vertical context.
** The boopsi image must use the method id (MUIM_BoopsiQuery) as return
** value. That's how MUI sees that the method is implemented.
** Note: MUI does not depend on this method. If the boopsi image doesn't
** implement it, minimum size will be 0 and maximum size unlimited.
CONST mBoopsiQuery *= 80427157H; (* this is send to the boopsi and *)
(* must be used as return value *)
TYPE pBoopsiQuery *= STRUCT( msg* : Intuition.Msg ); (* parameter structure *)
screen * : Intuition.ScreenPtr; (* read only, display context *)
flags * : LONGSET; (* read only, see below *)
minWidth * : LONGINT; (* write only, fill in min width *)
minHeight * : LONGINT; (* write only, fill in min height *)
maxWidth * : LONGINT; (* write only, fill in max width *)
maxHeight * : LONGINT; (* write only, fill in max height *)
renderInfo * : RenderInfoPtr; (* read only, display context *)
(* ... may grow in future ... *)
CONST bqfHoriz *= 0; (* object used in a horizontal *)
(* context (else vertical) *)
CONST bqMaxMax *= 10000; (* use this for unlimited MaxWidth/Height *)
** Method Parameter Structures
(* Notify *)
pCallHookPtr * = POINTER TO pCallHook;
pCallHook * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
hook * : Utility.HookPtr;
(* following hookparams *)
pMultiSetPtr * = POINTER TO pMultiSet;
pMultiSet * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
attr * : LONGINT;
val * : LONGINT;
obj * : Object;
(* ... *)
pNotifyPtr * = POINTER TO pNotify;
pNotify * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
trigAttr * : LONGINT;
trigVal * : LONGINT;
destObj * : Object;
(* FollowingParams *)
pSetPtr * = POINTER TO pSet;
pSet * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
attr * : LONGINT;
val * : LONGINT;
pSetAsStringPtr * = POINTER TO pSetAsString;
pSetAsString * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
attr * : LONGINT;
format * : Exec.STRPTR;
val * : LONGINT;
(* ... *)
pWriteLongPtr * = POINTER TO pWriteLong;
pWriteLong * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
val * : LONGINT;
pWriteStringPtr * = POINTER TO pWriteString;
pWriteString * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
str * : Exec.STRPTR;
memory * : Exec.STRPTR;
(* Application *)
pApplicationGetMenuCheckPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationGetMenuCheck;
pApplicationGetMenuCheck * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
pApplicationGetMenuStatePtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationGetMenuState;
pApplicationGetMenuState * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
pApplicationInputPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationInput;
pApplicationInput * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pApplicationLoadPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationLoad;
pApplicationLoad * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
name * : Exec.STRPTR;
pApplicationPushMethodPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationPushMethod;
pApplicationPushMethod * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
dest * : Object;
(* following Method *)
pApplicationReturnIDPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationReturnID;
pApplicationReturnID * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
retid * : LONGINT;
pApplicationSavePtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationSave;
pApplicationSave * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
name * : Exec.STRPTR;
pApplicationSetMenuCheckPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationSetMenuCheck;
pApplicationSetMenuCheck * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
set * : LONGINT;
pApplicationSetMenuStatePtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationSetMenuState;
pApplicationSetMenuState * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
set * : LONGINT;
pApplicationShowHelpPtr * = POINTER TO pApplicationShowHelp;
pApplicationShowHelp * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
window * : Object;
name * : Exec.STRPTR;
node * : Exec.STRPTR;
line * : LONGINT;
(* Window *)
pWindowGetMenuCheckPtr * = POINTER TO pWindowGetMenuCheck;
pWindowGetMenuCheck * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
pWindowGetMenuStatePtr * = POINTER TO pWindowGetMenuState;
pWindowGetMenuState * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
pWindowSetCycleChainPtr * = POINTER TO pWindowSetCycleChain;
pWindowSetCycleChain * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
(* following objects *)
pWindowSetMenuCheckPtr * = POINTER TO pWindowSetMenuCheck;
pWindowSetMenuCheck * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
set * : LONGINT;
pWindowSetMenuStatePtr * = POINTER TO pWindowSetMenuState;
pWindowSetMenuState * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
menuID * : LONGINT;
set * : LONGINT;
(* Area *)
pAskMinMaxPtr * = POINTER TO pAskMinMax;
pAskMinMax * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
minMax * : MinMaxPtr;
pDrawPtr * = POINTER TO pDraw;
pDraw * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
flags * : LONGSET
pHandleInputPtr * = POINTER TO pHandleInput;
pHandleInput * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
imsg * : Intuition.IntuiMessagePtr;
muikey * : LONGINT;
pSetUpPtr * = POINTER TO pSetUp;
pSetUp * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
renderInfo * : RenderInfoPtr;
(* List *)
pListExchangePtr * = POINTER TO pListExchange;
pListExchange * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos1 * : LONGINT;
pos2 * : LONGINT;
pListGetEntryPtr * = POINTER TO pListGetEntry;
pListGetEntry * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos * : LONGINT;
entry * : Exec.APTR
pListInsertPtr * = POINTER TO pListInsert;
pListInsert * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
entries * : Exec.APTR;
count * : LONGINT;
pos * : LONGINT;
pListInsertSinglePtr * = POINTER TO pListInsertSingle;
pListInsertSingle * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
entry * : Exec.APTR;
pos * : LONGINT;
pListJumpPtr * = POINTER TO pListJump;
pListJump * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos * : LONGINT;
pListNextSelectedPtr * = POINTER TO pListNextSelected;
pListNextSelected * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pListRedrawPtr * = POINTER TO pListRedraw;
pListRedraw * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos * : LONGINT;
pListRemovePtr * = POINTER TO pListRemove;
pListRemove * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos * : LONGINT;
pListSelectPtr * = POINTER TO pListSelect;
pListSelect * = STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
pos * : LONGINT;
selType * : LONGINT;
(* Popstring *)
pPopstringClosePtr * = POINTER TO pPopstringClose;
pPopstringClose *= STRUCT( msg * : Intuition.Msg );
result : LONGINT;
** Functions in muimaster.library
base * : Exec.LibraryPtr;
PROCEDURE NewObjectA * {base,-30}( class{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF Utility.TagItem): Object;
PROCEDURE NewObject * {base,-30}( class{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
tags{9}.. : Utility.Tag): Object;
PROCEDURE DisposeObject * {base,-36}( obj{8} : Object);
PROCEDURE RequestA * {base,-42}( app{0} : Object;
win{1} : Object;
flags{2} : LONGINT;
title{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
gadgets{9} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
format{10} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
params{11} : ARRAY OF Utility.TagItem) : LONGINT;
PROCEDURE Request * {base,-42}( app{0} : Object;
win{1} : Object;
flags{2} : LONGINT;
title{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
gadgets{9} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
format{10} : ARRAY OF CHAR;
params{11}.. : Utility.Tag) : LONGINT;
PROCEDURE AllocAslRequest * {base,-48}( typ{0} : LONGINT;
tags{8} : ARRAY OF Utility.TagItem) : ASL.ASLRequesterPtr;
PROCEDURE AllocAslRequestTags * {base,-48}( typ{0} : LONGINT;
tags{8}.. : Utility.Tag) : ASL.ASLRequesterPtr;
PROCEDURE AslRequest * {base,-54}( req{8} : ASL.ASLRequesterPtr;
tags{9} : ARRAY OF Utility.TagItem) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE AslRequestTags * {base,-54}( req{8} : ASL.ASLRequesterPtr;
tags{9}.. : Utility.Tag) : BOOLEAN;
PROCEDURE FreeAslRequest * {base,-60}( req{8} : ASL.ASLRequesterPtr );
PROCEDURE Error * {base,-66}() : LONGINT;
(* functions to be used with custom classes *)
PROCEDURE SetError * {base,-72}( num{0} : LONGINT ):LONGINT;
PROCEDURE GetClass * {base,-78}( classname{8} : ARRAY OF CHAR ):Intuition.IClassPtr;
PROCEDURE FreeClass * {base,-84}( classptr{8}: Intuition.IClassPtr );
PROCEDURE RequestIDCMP * {base,-90}( obj{8}:Object; flags{0}:LONGSET );
PROCEDURE RejectIDCMP * {base,-96}( obj{8}:Object; flags{0}:LONGSET );
PROCEDURE Redraw * {base,-102}( obj{8}:Object; flags{0}:LONGSET );
PROCEDURE DoMethodA * ( obj{10}, msg{9}: Intuition.Msg ): LONGINT;
BEGIN (* $EntryExitCode- *)
SYSTEM.INLINE( 0206AH, 0FFFCH, (* movea.l -4(a2),a0 *)
02F28H, 00008H, (* move.l 8(a0),-(a7) *)
04E75H); (* rts *)
END DoMethodA;
PROCEDURE DoMethod * {"Mui.DoMethodA"} ( obj{10}: Object; msg{9}..: Exec.APTR );
PROCEDURE DOMethod * {"Mui.DoMethodA"} ( obj{10}: Object; msg{9}..: Exec.APTR ) : LONGINT;
base := Exec.OpenLibrary( LibName, Version);
IF Intuition.DisplayAlert(0,"\x00\x64\x14missing muimaster.library\o\o",50) THEN END;
IF base#NIL THEN Exec.CloseLibrary(base) END;
END Mui.